Attendance Policy for Majors’ Studio/Technique Courses*

Students are expected to attend class as much as possible. When absences occur, please communicate with the instructor. Students are responsible for making up work and working with peers to access any missed material.

If a student needs to miss, for any reason, two weeks of absences (accumulated) can be accrued without penalty in each course with no documentation required. Students are not required to submit any forms for these absences. These should cover illness, personal days, mental health days, etc.

A third week may be excused for extenuating circumstances. These include COVID illness/symptoms, and/or quarantine, or other emergencies (such as a death in the family or serious illness or injury). Documentation may be required to consider the request. Students are highly encouraged to stay home if they have flu-like or COVID symptoms and mask upon return for 5-10 days.

For a third week of absences to be considered for excusal, students will fill out the extenuating circumstances absence form on the School of Dance website. Documentation may be required to consider the request. The request will be considered by the Student Affairs Team at the end of each semester. The Student Affairs Team consists of the Director and the Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

Beyond the two weeks or extenuating circumstances, 1/3 of a letter grade will be subtracted from the final grade FOR EACH ADDITIONAL ABSENCE. For example, for a class that meets three times a week, six absences will not affect the final grade. If, by the end of the semester the student has earned an A- and has eight absences with no extenuating circumstances, the final grade will be dropped two times to a B.

In rare cases of absences for professional opportunities or other serious extenuating circumstances, students in good standing may request additional excused absences. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Director in a timely manner and approved by faculty vote. There is no guarantee such requests will be approved.

The University follows CDC guidelines and protocols regarding contagious illnesses. We are mask friendly.

*A complete list of courses that are bound to this attendance policy is available here.

This policy was approved by the School of Dance faculty on January 11, 2023.
This policy was revised slightly by the School of Dance Director on August 21, 2023 to reflect shifts in the SOD leadership and governance structure and updated campus COVID-19 protocols.